Terms of Service and Privacy Policy




Warsaw, February 18th, 2013


  1. AirlineBasics.com is being administered by the company described below. The person below, who is a Sole Trader and leads a company registered in the Republic of Poland, is responsible for the administration of the website and oversight over any and all personal data if such is being kept by the website. The owner of AirlineBasics.com (called here forth the Service Provider, and the blog (website) will here forth be called Blog):

Mike Sierra Professionals Michał Swoboda

ul Joliot-Curie 9B m. 7

02-646 Warszawa, POLAND

E-mail: michal.swoboda [@] airlinebasics.com

REGON (CRO – Company Registration Office Number): 146272538

NIP: 522-260-11-16 / EU VAT No.: PL5222601116

  1. Those terms of service describe the type of services rendered by the Blog, the way they are being rendered and the terms on which users may utilize those services.
  2. Each private person or company using the Blog (called a Client here forth) are obliged to obey those terms of service.
  3. If a Client does not obey by the rules set forth in those terms of service, the service provider may block the Clients access to the Blog and/or perform any other actions in accordance with the civil or criminal law of Poland or the country of origin of the Client.
  4. Entering the Blog (by accessing content available under the domain http://airlinebasics.com directly or by being redirected from other services) is equivalent to the acceptance of those terms of service.
  5. The Blog provides the following services:


    • Providing information about Airline Management (without referencing any particular airlines) in a broad respect. The information is published in the form of text (posts, articles, interviews, columns), podcasts and movies.
    • Enabling the Clients to post comments (their personal opinions) on the materials published on the Blog, provided the Service Provider has decided to enable such comment system for a given post.
    • Presenting descriptions, reviews and opinions on products and services.
    • Creating a community of Clients which allows them to easily express their opinions on reviewed products and services and communicate with each other.
    • The emission or publication of advertisements and other promotional material, including sponsored articles.
    • Cooperation with manufacturers, sellers and providers of products and services provided that the form of cooperation does not collide with those terms of service.




  1. The Service Provider owns all the copyrights for all articles, posts, interviews, columns, podcasts and movies published on the Blog. There can be three possible exceptions to this rule:
    1. The Service Provider may present photographs, pictures, drawings and other graphical images to which the Service Provider is not the owner of the copyrights, provided that the owner of those copyrights expresses an agreement for those materials to be published. The copyright owner may express this agreement by publishing his/her works under a certain type of license (like Creative Commons) or by another licensing way (in particular, throughout photostock services). In all such cases the work is clearly marked as being copyrighted by a person or company different than the Service Provider in a way acceptable to the owner.
    2. The Service Provider may publish on the Blog text material, the copyright to which belongs to other persons or companies in the form of guest blogging. In this case, such material will be clearly marked as being authored by another person. In each such case, the author of the material must agree for his/her work to be published on the Blog.
    3. The Service Provider may place on the Blog video content publicly available on web services such as YouTube. In this case, the video material is not being kept on the Service Provider’s servers. Rather, it is linked directly from the source where it was originally posted on. In each some instance, the Service Provider will make it clear to the Client that he/she is watching video material from a different web service.
  2. As a rule, the Service Provider does not own any copyrights to texts and graphics publihed by advertisement providers. The service provider is in no way responsible for the contents of advertisements, in that also for possible copyright breaching by the advertisers.
  3. All texts and other materials published on the Blog represent the personal views and opinions of their authors, whose names or nicknames are clearly presented by the given work.
  4. The interviews presented on the Blog represent the views and opinions of the persons being interviewed or the companies which they represent. The Service Provider will not be held responsible for those views and opinions while at the same time trying to assure that they do not contain offensive content while keeping the freedom of speech rights intact.
  5. It is strictly forbidden to copy any materials from the Blog without written permission of the author of such content. This refers both to materials of which the copyrights belong to the Service Provider and to all materials created by third party authors.




  1. The Blog publishes opinions and reviews of third party products and services.
  2. The Service Provider generally will try to agree on the product or service description will the provider, manufacturer or seller. This is done via email contact and a request to provide a detailed product or service description. If the manufacturer, provider or seller will not provide such information, or for any other reason, the Service Provider has the right to publish a description of the product or service based on materials found on the Internet, in the press or based on personal experience.
  3. The Service Provider publishes reviews of products and services which he was able to use himself. The reviews may be authored by the Service Provider or other persons who cooperate with the Service Provider (in particular, those could be Clients who chose to do such work for the Service Provider, and whom the Service Provider chose to publish on the Blog). The content of a review is factual and objective, and the reviews are never sponsored or in any way influenced by the advertisers (the only exception is described in point 4 below). The overall review may be positive or negative, but the content of the review must clearly specify why this particular view has been presented.
  4. If a review is sponsored by a third party (generally this will be a manufacturer, provider or seller) then appropriate information about this is presented to ensure the Client always knows that this is the case. Sponsored reviews remain an objective and dispassionate description of the product or service made by the author of the review.
  5. Manufacturers, providers or sellers of third party products or services have the right to contact the Service Provider in order to obtain any information regarding the review of their product or service. Such information should be requested by emailing the address as provided at the beginning of those terms of service. The same address should be used by persons or organizations wishing for their product or service to be reviewed.
  6. A review always remains objective, also in a situation in which the manufacturer, provider or seller provides his/her product or service free of charge to the Service Provider for the purpose of reviewing. The Service Provider does not return products sent in for review unless a separate, appropriate agreement states the contrary.
  7. Comments posted by Clients (users) to a given review represent the personal opinions of those Clients. The Service Provider has no responsibility for the content of those comments. The comments must obey the rules of those terms of service as described in par. 4 below.




  1. The Service Provider has the right to enable the Clients to comment (add their own opinions) towards any material published on the Blog. As a rule, all reviews can be commented.
  2. The Service Provider has no responsibility for the content of the comments as they are being posted by the Clients and in no way reflect the opinions of the Service Provider.
  3. The Service Provider will attempt to ensure that all comments are properly moderated. By moderated the Service Provider understands a set of tasks necessary to delete comments which are offensive, unlawful, not in accordance with generic aspects of etiquette, leading to discussions not connected with the subject of the commented content or providing evidently false information.
  4. Clients are strictly forbidden to add comments which:
    1. Are offensive.
    2. Contain words commonly considered inappropriate.
    3. Discriminate with respect to gender, race, religion nor political beliefs.
    4. Are false in an evident and serious way.
    5. In any way break the overall rules of etiquette.
    6. Introduce unnecessary confusion or lead to aggressive discussion, not related to the subject of the content which is being commented.
    7. Are illegal.
    8. Convince or even suggest to others to commit a crime or reflect positive opinions on any criminal behavior.
    9. Contain links or references to other web sites, if the content of those web sites is not relevant to the subject of the content which is being commented.
    10. Contain links or references to web sites or other resources which are promoting pornography or any other content prohibited by this paragraph.
    11. Contain private data of any persons, including other Clients and even those of the Client who posted the given comment.
  5. Comments not obeying by the rules of pt. 4 will be deleted by the Service Provider as soon as possible.
  6. Clients not obeying the rules set out in pt. 4 may face some or all of the consequences below:
    1. Temporary ban from using the Blog.
    2. Permanent ban from using the Blog.
    3. A process in court under civil law, if relevant.
    4. An information about the possibility of a crime being committed to an appropriate prosecutor, if relevant.
  7. IP addresses, including a precise date and time of the publishing of a given comment are being registered and will be provided to appropriate authorities if such a need arises.




  1. Agreement of a Client to receive the Newsletter is voluntary and does not warrant the eligibility to use any part of the Blog.
  2. Entering, by the Client, his or her email address in the appropriately marked field in the Blog is equivalent to an agreement to receive the newsletter (in accordance to Article 10, Point 2 of the Providing of Electronic Services bill from the Polish Parliament dated September 9th, 2002 and published under the appropriate  „Dziennik Ustaw”.).
  3. The Client is strictly prohibited to provide an email address other than his or her own.
  4. The email address provided by the Client for the purpose of receiving the newsletter is used only for this particular purpose and will never be provided to any third party unless this is forced upon the Service Provider by the Law of Poland.
  5. The purpose of the newsletter is to provide the Client with information about the current content of the Blog and any issues related to it. The newsletter may also contain advertisements and promotional material. In such case, the newsletter will inform the Client that this is the case.
  6. Clients who have applied to receive the newsletter by providing their email address may at any time resign from their subscription by sending a request to be deleted from the list of recipients to the address newsletter@airlinebasics.com. Resigning from the subscription automatically implies that the Clients email address and any information regarding the subscription will be deleted from the database.




  1. Some services offered by the Blog are available only after a Client has registered to the Blog. Access to those services is available only to registered Clients and requires their identification by means of a login and password. Those services are:
    1. Easier posting of comments, without the need to enter identifying information every time.
    2. The possibility to provide their own avatar (image or graphic) as chosen by the Client.
    3. Monitoring of comments added by other Clients.
    4. Publishing of the Clients own content (posts) provided an appropriate agreement from the Service Provider has been received.
  2. Registering to the Blog, just like using the Blog in general, requires an acceptance of this set of Terms of service. During registration, the Client has to check the appropriate checkbox, confirming that he/she agrees to those terms of service.
  3. The Service Provide is the administrator of any data provided during registration.
  4. The Service Provider has no influence and no knowledge of private message sent between Clients by means of the Blog. The Service Provider has no responsibility for the content of such messages.
  5. It is forbidden to send private messages violating the rules regarding comments as described in Par. 4 Pt. 4 of those terms of service. In addition, it is forbidden to send any private messages containing advertising or commercial information.
  6. Each Client who has received a message which, in his or her opinion, should be considered as spam of any kind, has the right to inform the Service Provider of such occurence by sending an email to the address as provided at the beginning of those terms of service. In each case, the Service Provider will act accordingly. In particular, the Service Provider may block the account of anyone sending unwanted private messages.
  7. Each Client has the right to look into his/her private data kept by the Service Provider. In order to get access to such data, the Client must send a request to the email address provided at the beginning of those terms of service.
  8. A registered Client has the right, at any time to resign from his or her account and all privileges associated with being registered. The Service Provider, upon receiving a request from the Client, immediately and with no unnecessary delay, will remove any of the Clients data from the Service Provider data base and/or other registries. To resign from registration, a Client needs to send a request to the address provided at the beginning of the terms of service.
  9. Registering to the Blog is also equivalent to an agreement to have the Service Provider use the Client’s email address for the purpose of sending a newsletter and other commercial and advertising information.
  10. The service provider reserves the right to send private messages via the Blog’s internal messaging system containing commercial information to all registered users.




  1. The Blog provides a wide variety of means to present advertising and commercial information from Clients (advertisers) to other Clients (Blog users).
  2. Commercial information is always properly described, so that Clients are made aware that they are looking at advertising.
  3. Commercial information and advertising can be presented in the following ways:
    1. Tex tor graphic representation, shown on the web pages of the Blog (so-called banners or advertising boxes).
    2. Sponsored articles written by the Service Provider or the Client (advertiser), which are placed among non-commercial posts.
    3. Text and graphical advertising transmitted through the newsletter.
    4. Text and graphical advertising transmitted through private messages send through internal Blog mechanisms.
  4. The Service Provider reserves the right of advertiser selection. In particular, the Service Provider will not present, on the Blog or in the newsletter, advertising or commercial information which is illegal, referencing pornography or violence o rany others which the Service Provider, at his own discretion, considers inapropriate for the Blog’s audience.
  5. Additional information regarding the display of commercial information and advertising can be obtained by emailing advertising@airlinebasics.com.




  1. The administrator of personal and private data is Mike Sierra Professionals Michał Swoboda, the contact information for which has been provided at the beginning of those terms of service.
  2. Each user (Client) has the right to insight into his/her data being held by the Blog.
  3. The only data being kept by the Blog system is the name, last name, login and email address. Additionally, each registered user may place any image or graphic as an avatar in his/her profile.
  4. The Service Provider is not using the Clients data for any marketing or promotional activities performed by third parties. The data is not shared with anyone.
  5. The Service Provider may use the collected email addresses of the Clients to send them information about the Blog, changes, news or other information. Commercial information may also be provided as per the arrangements in those terms of service.
  6. If the Service Provider changes the wording of pt. 4 of this paragraph, the change will be included in those terms of service and information about the change will be made public on the Blog. This is for the Clients to have an opportunity to remove their data from the Service Provider’s data base prior to any changes taken effect.
  7. Each Client (user) has the right, at any point in time, to have his/her data removed from the database held by the Service Provider.
  8. The submission of private and personal data to the Service Provider is completely voluntary.




  1. Cookie file definition – cookie files are small text file which are being sent by Internet services, including the Blog, to the Internet Browser of the Client. They are a source of anonymous information about the behavior and needs of a Client and aim to improve the overall comfort of using the Blog. Cookies may be saved on the Clients computer either only during his/her stay on the site (they are removed from the hard drive as soon as the user leaves the site) or may remain on the hard drive for longer periods. Cookies may be sent directly by the Blog or by third party sites, such as advertising agents.
  2. The Blog is using cookies only for the purpose of performing statistical analysis of the Blog traffic, which are then used by the Service Provider to better match the content to the overall profile of the Client. In particular, the Blog is retaining information such as: country of origin of the web request, IP address, Internet browser type, operating system type, type of mobile device used to browse the Blog, time spent on the site, numer of pages visited during a stay on the site and the frequency of returning to a site. This data remains anonymous, there are no other information reflecting the identity of the Client.
  3. Cookies may also be used by advertisers who place their code on the Blog’s pages. The Service Provider has no influence on the content of those cookies not on the way they are being used, or on the way the advertiser uses cookies already present on the Client’s hard drive. The Service Provider has no responsibility for the actions of the advertisers while at the same time, the Service Provider ensures to be working only with renowned and well known companies.
  4. In view of European Union Directive 2009/136/WE the Service Provider must obtain the Clients permission to use cookies. Every Client has the possibility to turn off the acceptance of cookies in the Internet browser of his / her choice. At the same time, in a very uncomplicated way, each Client may at any time delete all cookies present on his or her hard drive. In order to learn on how to do this, a Client should consult the corresponding Internet browser’s Help section or contact the author of the browser. The Service Provider assumes that due to the extremely low level of difficulty associated with the tasks above, if the option to receive cookies is not disabled it is equivalent to a permission to accept them. Similarly, if cookies present have not been deleted, it is assumed to be equivalent to a permission for the Service Provider to use them.




  1. All aspects which have not been touched upon in those terms of service will be evaluated based on the Civil Code of the Republic of Poland.
  2. Additional information about the Blog as well as the legal state of the services rendered can be obtained by emailing michal.swoboda@airlinebasics.com.
  3. The Service Provider reserves the right to change those terms of service and/or privacy policy. Information about any changes will be presented on the Blog. It is the Clients responsibility to be aware of the current document.



One comment on “Terms of Service and Privacy Policy
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